What's wrong with him?????
My husband and I have had many ups and downs, recently more downs than ups. It seems that I may have married the most selfish, yet clueless man in the world. Now, I don't mean that he's not a good dad, nor do I mean that I don't believe that he can be a good guy. But, he has this way of only thinking of himself ALL of the time. I believe that he has some strong ADD tendencies, which sometimes may be a big part of the problem. But, it's so highly irritating that he behaves this way and seems unaware of it. Here is an example of the nonsense that I dealt with last night....
Husband: (8:59)Going to change the cat litter, cat's pooped on the floor.
Me: (9:05) come on sweet girl, time for a quick shower ( hurry, mommy really wants to watch the season finale of Grey's anatomy)
9:10 husband still not returning, oops, look at the time, he's in the basement watching his weekly fix of 24. Always watches, every monday night, too violent for any little children to watch with him, so he scores an average of 1 1/2 hours of complete and alone, quiet time.
Me:(9:20) Okay, your turn baby girl, time for bath. splash, cry, scream, dry off, try to put diaper on, scream some more, jammies on...
Me:(9:30) Okay, baby girl and sweet girl, lets play and read books while mommy reads the close captioning on the screen, picks out your clothes, feeds one of you a bottle, gives one of you a bed time snack, listens to you sing and dance (in front of the screen which I am reading words off of), one of you jump on me repeatedly, and I still remain calm...
Me:(10:05) where's daddy? his show and peace and quiet should be over now....
Me:(10:10) HUSBAND!!!!!!! What are you doing?
Husband(10:11): Oh, George Bush talked too long in his speech, shows still on for a few more minutes.
Me: Well, take one of them... I deserve some peace and quiet please
Sweet Girl: I can't watch daddy's show, it's to violent.
Husband: Oh I can take baby girl, no problem.
Then I proceeded to watch the last half of Grey's anatomy being interrupted every few minutes with requests, questions, ect...
Not the peaceful time I had expected or wanted.
When all shows are off, he comes around hinting at compliments for doing something that he had to be asked to do. And then has the audacity to get pissed off at me for not agreeing that he is compliment worthy. And decides to argue with me about it (totally not in his character.... usually the most uncommunicative person I know)!
After all arguements are on the table, dear husband says, guess I just can't watch my show anymore.... What an idiot! This is where I question does he have an attention issue so strong that he can't even follow the real issue at hand, or is he really smart and knows exactly how to manipulate me????